Get to know our Sterillium® product family

Expectation: Discovering foreign countries and cultures, lying in the sun, swimming in the sea, or admiring beautiful sights.
Reality: Lying in bed with fever, chills, and a cold.
Sounds familiar? It’s not surprising. Numbers from Germany reveal that in 2021, 6% of Germans fell ill during their holidays. The most common reason for this was a cold (41%), but gastrointestinal infections are also among the typical holiday diseases [1].
Germs are to blame for infections during or after your holiday. Especially when travelling to foreign countries, we come into contact with viruses and bacteria our immune system is not familiar with and cannot fight off as effectively. Temperatures in which germs feel particularly comfortable and sub-standard hygiene conditions do the rest.
As you can see, hand hygiene is our number one tip for a safe and healthy holiday. Therefore, four products from our Sterillium® Protect & Care family should not be missing in your travel bags:
[1] Forsa survey / DAK Health Holiday Report 2021 (retrieved on: 04.05.2022)
[2] Gorbach, S.L., et al. Travelers' diarrhea. NIH Consensus Development Conference. JAMA. 1985 May 10;253(18):2700-4.
[3] Epidemiological Bulletin / Recommendations by the Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) and the German Society for Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Global Health e.V. (DTG) on Travel Vaccinations (retrieved on: 04.05.2022)
[4] Ä / Insect protection: How to reduce the risk of being bitten (retrieved on: 04.05.2022)
[5] Centre for Travel Medicine / Infection risks in the Mediterranean region (retrieved on: 04.05.2022)
[6] Foreign Office / Disease prevention and hygiene abroad (esp. tropics) (retrieved on: 04.05.2022)
[7] / Hygiene and animals (retrieved on: 04.05.2022)
[8] Foreign Office / The importance of disease-carrying insects (retrieved on: 04.05.2022)
*Use disinfectants safely.
Always read label and product information before use.