Sterillium® - Hygiene myths and what you should know

DIN-EN 1500? DIN-EN 14476? Efficacy against enveloped viruses? We take a look at the contents, explain the European testing standards and shed light on the efficacy spectra.
Although there are several compositions of active ingredients that can be considered for a hand disinfectant, effectiveness cannot be proven solely on the basis of ingredients or their formulation1. The basis for a good and effective hand disinfectant is its declared range of efficacy, which is achieved by the specified test requirements according to the DIN-EN standards.
To determine the efficacy of disinfectants, there are defined test procedures of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) that apply to all European countries. In Germany, these standards are published as DIN-EN. DIN-EN 1500 and DIN-EN 14476 are important for hand disinfection and virus testing. They define the requirements that a product must meet under practical conditions of use and thus determine the spectrum of efficacy.
In the case of virus-effective hand disinfectants, there are three interesting categories of efficacy for us to consider: efficacy against enveloped viruses, limited spectrum virucidal efficacy, and virucidal activity.
To explain the differences, let's take a little detour into microbiology:
If a disinfectant has an approval according to these efficacy spectra, it can also be assumed that it is marked on the product. Caution: to inactivate coronaviruses, at least the "efficacy against enveloped viruses" is required. For many disinfectants, this standard is not proven, so they may be less effective. When choosing your hand disinfectant, make sure that the label bears a corresponding note.2
- tested according to DIN-EN 1500 and EN 14476
- meet the efficacy requirements for efficacy against enveloped viruses, in some cases even with "limited spectrum virucidal activity"
- reduce transient skin flora by over 99.99% within 30 seconds
- rely on refatting ingredients such as glycerol and tetradecanol, which help to maintain the skin's elasticity5
1Robert Koch-Institut (RKI). Empfehlung der Kommission für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionsprävention (KRINKO). Last retrieved 22.04.2021.
2RobertKoch-Institut (RKI). Epidemiologisches Bulletin 19/20. Last retrieved 22.04.2021.
3Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA).Allgemeinverfügung zur Zulassung von Biozidprodukten zur hygienischen Händedesinfektion. Last retrieved 22.04.2021.
4Kampf G., Löffler H., Prevention of irritant contact dermatitis among health care workers by using evidence-based hand hygiene practices: a review., Ind Health. 2007 Oct;45(5):645-52.
5RCTS, Reece.B: RCTS’ Study No. 3295 (2014).
Use disinfectants safely. Always read label and product information before use.
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