A true blue icon: Meet the product that has been by our side since 1965

When the first bottle of Sterillium® rolled off the production line in Hamburg 56 years ago, its emblematic composition was undoubtedly the foundation of a bright future for hand hygiene. The idea to colour Sterillium® blue and fill it in very characteristic bottles initially served to make it unmistakable. The colour blue radiates calm and confidence - two characteristics that Sterillium® carries within itself and into the world.
But what if there is much more than really good marketing behind the blue colour of Sterillium®? Come along on a journey that uncovers the deep blue secrets of an icon.
Use disinfectants safely. Always read label and product information before use.
“HWG-Pflichttexte” for our Sterillium® range in English and German, also below in the footer.