We've all been there: You arrive at work and can already hear half of your colleagues coughing and sneezing. On the train ride home, the person sitting next to you keeps pulling out a tissue. And in the evening, when you want to grab a quick bite to eat, you hear a constant phlegm output behind you in the supermarket line. Immediately you know: Watch out, I could catch something here! We are especially aware of this in the winter. But what about now, in times of the Corona pandemic? Can we catch infections now, even though we have little to no contact with other people?
The challenges of the last few months have permanently exiled many of us to the home office. And even though we all sit at home and hardly ever go outside, our colleagues and perhaps even we ourselves are still complaining about symptoms of the common cold. In fact, we can't completely eliminate sources of infection, because we cannot spend all of our time indoors. Here you can find out where the dangers lie and how we can keep ourselves healthy and fit even in the home office.