For the second time in a row, our hand disinfectant Sterillium® was named "Brand of the Century".

A true blue icon synonymous with hand disinfectant
We are very pleased with the selection. It spurs us on to continue driving innovation in the field of infection prevention”, says Hossein Gouhari, Global Senior Product Manager Hands and Skin, Disinfection Division of PAUL HARTMANN. “People all over the world appreciate the blue Sterillium® bottle and trust in its effectiveness to prevent infections. This has become quite apparent in the course of the Coronavirus pandemic.”
The induction of the brand into the top class of German brands is entirely proactive – without prior application – by an independent jury and is free of charge for the companies that are selected. The jury of the ZEIT publishing group follows a set of binding rules and relies on selected facts that speak for the success of a brand. For example, factors such as the age of the brand, whether it belongs to a family business, its internationality or whether it has become a staple of German life are taken into account.
What is new is that brands are no longer recognised as "Brand of the Century" for only one year – instead, the title remains valid forever. The selected brands and companies are presented in detail in the book “Deutsche Standards – Marken des Jahrhunderts 2022” (German Standards – Brands of the Century 2022), which was published on 10 November 2021.
The brand's leadership in innovation was also confirmed two years later: in 2005, Sterillium® was the first hand disinfectant to be approved for surgical hand disinfection with a shortened exposure time of only 1.5 instead of 3 minutes. Last but not least, Sterillium® Virugard was the first virus-effective, alcohol-based hand disinfectant to be listed by the Robert Koch Institute in 1995.
The comprehensive efficacy and outstanding skin compatibility of Sterillium® products also has a decisive effect on their success: Sterillium® is now available in more than 50 countries. Even before the Coronavirus pandemic, over four billion hand disinfections were carried out annually with Sterillium® products. Sterillium® – then as now a timeless, globally appreciated brand that is trusted.
Use disinfectants safely. Always read label and product information before use.
Flammable liquids, Category 2 - H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Eye irritation, Category 2 - H319: Causes serious eye irritation.
“HWG-Pflichttexte” for our Sterillium® range in English and German, also below in the footer.