Sterillium® originates in the tradition of people who fought for our health centuries ago

In the lead up to Sterilliums® 55th birthday on June 4th, we reflect on what really goes into every blue bottle.
Next month marks a significant milestone for Sterillium® – our 55th birthday. While this birthday will no longer be the celebration we initially envisioned, it does make us stop and reflect on the importance of our founding mission to prevent infection – and our greater role and responsibility in society.
Sterillium® came to life as the world’s first alcohol-based yet skin-friendly hand disinfectant. Since then, we’ve come to stand for a whole lot more:
So much has changed in the last few months, let alone the last 55 years. It’s clear that our mission to fight infection is now a critical mission for the whole world. On this special Sterillium® birthday, we celebrate and champion the hospital workers for their courage during this time of COVID-19 but also every single day. We will continue to stand by their side and put the best in science on their hands.